Relaxing Sedation Dentistry in Holladay, UT

Welcome to Smart Dental Care, your trusted partner for exceptional dental services in Holladay, UT. Are you among the many individuals who feel anxious or fearful about visiting the dentist? If so, our sedation dentistry services are tailored just for you. Say goodbye to dental anxiety and hello to stress-free dental visits right here in Holladay, UT.

We understand that the thought of going to the dentist makes plenty of people a little nervous. People of all ages experience dental anxiety. If you’re one of them, don’t worry! At our office, we use sedation dentistry to ease the stress that people sometimes feel in the dental chair.

Ready to Experience Dental Care without Fear or Discomfort? Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Anxiety-Free Appointment!

Sedation dentistry makes going to the dentist a breeze. You don’t have to suffer through nerves and stress—at Smart Dental Care, we make your appointment a time for you to relax. Call our office today for more information.

Get Dental Care Tailored to You

For many individuals, dental anxiety is a significant barrier to receiving the care they need. Avoidance of dental visits due to fear can lead to worsening oral health issues and decreased quality of life. At Smart Dental Care, we understand the emotional and social implications of dental anxiety, and we’re here to provide compassionate solutions.

Our sedation dentistry options offer a transformative solution for patients who experience dental anxiety. Whether you have a fear of needles, a sensitive gag reflex, or simply feel anxious about dental procedures, our sedation techniques can help you relax and receive the care you deserve.

Our dentists are compassionate listeners who can help you feel at ease in our office. We’ll tailor each appointment to your needs, so be sure to communicate with us.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

Depending on your personal needs, we can offer you one of three different sedation dentistry options. Like everything in our office, if you have any questions about which option might be best for you, feel free to ask any of our knowledgeable team members!

Laughing Gas

Laughing gas, technically known as nitrous oxide, is administered through a mask that goes over a patient’s nose. Breathing in the gas makes it much easier to relax, and can quickly ease any dental anxiety you might be feeling. The effects begin quickly and wear off quickly once the procedure is over.

Patients stay entirely conscious while using laughing gas. It’s mild enough that you’ll be able to drive yourself home after your procedure.

Oral Conscious Sedation

If you like the idea of staying conscious throughout your procedure but aren’t interested in wearing the mask required for laughing gas, oral conscious sedation is a great option. We can offer you a pill to take shortly before your procedure which will help ease anxiety while allowing you to stay awake in the chair.

Oral sedation can make you groggy, and you might even be so relaxed, you fall asleep! But you’ll be able to communicate with the dentist if you have any questions or if they need something from you. After a procedure with oral sedation, you’ll need someone to drive you home.

IV Sedation

If you have more extreme anxiety or have a history of being resistant to lighter sedation options, we can also provide IV sedation for you. With this treatment, a relaxing sedative is constantly administered throughout your appointment to put your body at ease. You’ll remain alert enough to still respond to your dentist, and you might fall asleep. You generally won’t have any memory of the procedure once it’s over.

We bring in a qualified nurse to make sure everything goes smoothly and to make adjustments to your anesthesia as needed. Like oral conscious sedation, you won’t be able to drive for several hours after, so bring a friend or family member to drive you to and from the appointment.

Feel at Home with Sedation Dentistry from Smart Dental Care

We work hard to make sure coming to our office is as relaxing as possible, particularly for people with dental anxiety. If you have any questions about our sedation methods or would like to schedule an appointment, contact us today!

When Do You Use Sedation Dentistry?

We offer dental sedation when a patient requests it. If you’re interested in sedation options for your next visit, contact our office. We will walk you through sedation options and help you decide which method will work for you.

Sedation dentistry is great for patients who have dental anxiety or fear. It helps you relax, easing any nerves. It is also helpful for those with a sensitive gag reflex. If you struggle to get through a dental appointment without gagging, sedation dentistry can calm your gag reflex and make the appointment go smoothly.

Additionally, sedation dentistry is an excellent option for children who need longer dental procedures. Since they might have trouble sitting still for long periods, sedation dentistry helps get the treatment done without undue stress for your little one.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Don’t let dental anxiety hold you back from receiving important dental work! Sedation dentistry comes with several benefits, including:

  • Complete relaxation during dental procedures. With sedation dentistry, any tension or anxiety you feel during dental visits will be washed away. Instead, you can relax and get the care you need without any of the stress.
  • Reduced fear and anxiety associated with dental visits. Our brains recognize patterns, so by regularly utilizing sedation dentistry to calm dental anxiety, you can reduce the fear and anxiety you have ahead of a dental visit.
  • Enhanced comfort and ease throughout treatment. Sedation dentistry makes it easier to perform procedures, especially if you have a sensitive gag reflex or need many breaks due to anxiety. With sedation dentistry, you can relax.
  • Saved time. Sedation dentistry is often used to complete multiple treatments at once, saving you time and repeated visits to the dentist. If you need multiple procedures done, sedation dentistry can help maximize your time.
  • Better oral health outcomes. With sedation dentistry to ease your anxiety, you are more likely to schedule regular visits to the dentist, which are important to keep plaque and tartar from building up and provide essential preventative care to catch any issues early.

Who Might Need Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a great option for a variety of patients. You might benefit from sedation dentistry if you have:

  • Dental anxiety or fear. If you feel anxious or fearful about dental procedures, whether due to past traumatic experiences or general anxiety, you could benefit greatly from sedation dentistry. It can help you relax and undergo treatment comfortably.
  • Fear of needles. For those who do just fine at the dentist but struggle when a procedure calls for a numbing shot, dental sedation can smooth over those nerves.
  • A sensitive gag reflex. Some people have a heightened gag reflex, which can make dental procedures uncomfortable or challenging. Sedation dentistry can help relax the gag reflex, allowing for smoother and more comfortable treatment.
  • A complex or long dental procedure. For lengthy or complex dental procedures, sedation dentistry ensures that you’ll remain comfortable and relaxed throughout the process.
  • Extreme teeth sensitivity. Some people’s teeth are very sensitive to being touched. This can make regular checkups difficult, but sedation dentistry helps lower sensitivity and ease discomfort.
  • Physical or mental disabilities. If you have a physical or mental disability that makes it difficult to sit still for extended periods, sedation dentistry can help you relax and stay still for your dental treatment.
  • Decreased sensitivity to local anesthesia. People who don’t respond as well to local numbing can benefit from sedation dentistry since it helps ease discomfort.

Sedation dentistry is also a good option for children who struggle to sit through a dental visit, especially if they need a longer or more complex treatment. Sedation helps them sit through the procedure without stress and thus avoids building negative associations with the dentist.

Ultimately, anyone who wants to feel more comfortable and relaxed during dental treatment can benefit from sedation dentistry. Schedule a consultation to talk through your needs and preferences with a dental professional at Smart Dental Care today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Sedation Dentistry

If you have any questions about sedation dentistry, feel free to contact our office at any time. Here are some of our most frequently asked questions.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Sedation dentistry is safe when administered by trained professionals. We carefully monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure to ensure your safety and comfort.

Can I drive myself to my appointment?

Whether or not you’ll need someone to drive you to and from your appointment depends on the type of sedation you’ve chosen for your appointment. If you’ve opted for nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, you’ll be able to drive after your appointment, because nitrous oxide wears off quickly. If you’re receiving oral conscious sedation or IV sedation, you’ll need someone to drive you home from the appointment.

How long will my sedation last?

How long your sedation lasts depends on the type of sedation you’ve decided works best for you. Nitrous oxide wears off the fastest, completely moving out of your system quickly after it stops being administered. Both oral conscious sedation and IV sedation will last longer, making you feel sleepy for a while after the appointment. Your metabolism can also affect how long the effects of sedation last.

How much does sedation dentistry cost?

The cost of sedation dentistry varies depending on the type of sedation used (nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, or IV sedation), as well as how long your procedure is. The longer and more complex the procedure, the more sedation you’ll need, meaning it’ll be a little more expensive. Smart Dental Care is happy to talk through pricing with you—just give us a call. In addition, we’ll give you a detailed cost estimate during your consultation.

Ready to Transform Your Dental Experience?

To experience relaxing dentistry like never before, call Smart Dental Care today and schedule your appointment. There’s no need to suffer through essential dental checkups and other procedures with anxiety and stress—with our sedation dentistry options, you’ll be able to keep your teeth in optimal shape without any of the nerves.