Getting to the Root: Real Benefits of a Root Canal

Root canals sound like dreadfully painful medical procedures you don’t ever want to be a part of. In essence, dentists create a channel from your tooth to your root if decay has eroded the enamel and prevent further damage before it can infect the bone.

But not to worry, they’re safe, effective, and beneficial to patients suffering from a myriad of dental problems. Let’s get to the bottom of root canals and see what they’re good for!

Prevention of Bone Deterioration

The first point mainly refers to your jawbone. Remember what we mentioned about decay not reaching the bone? Without root canals, all sorts of bacteria and viruses would chip away at your tooth and gums and go straight to your jawbone! These dangerous organisms could cause severe infections or even negatively affect the use of your mouth altogether.

Not only do root canals stop further dental disfigurations at the source, but they also stop them from going even further into your body!

Prevention of Decay Spread

Not only does decay burrow through teeth (which are just as strong as bone), it also spreads to the rest of your pearly whites! A dirty mouth is a breeding ground for germs to cling to other teeth and begin chipping away at the enamel, eventually leading to the root and gums. 

Root canals prevent decay from spreading and address the isolated area. Still, always observe proper dental hygiene: brush and floss your teeth once every day.

Prevention of Other More Serious Health Conditions

What’s even worse than potential bone decay due to a lack of root canals? How about more serious health problems like heart disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems, and dementia? A tiny blip of undetected decay could go straight through your teeth, gums, bone and invade other bodily organs.

Don’t wait for that to happen. Book an appointment with your dentist now.

Prevention of Poor Aesthetics

Decay rots all living tissue, leaving a putrid smell and ugly remnants of the affected area. For teeth, this means one or more unsightly craters on your enamel or a rotting infection that goes all the way down to the bone. Yeesh!

In mild cases, root canals can still save a natural tooth from damage. But there’s no need to fret in more difficult situations where the teeth can no longer be saved. Dentists apply root canals to disinfect the area and prepare it for a dental implant, essentially a root replacement.

If the jawbone is intact, patients only need around a month to recover from the procedure before the dental implant (or screw) is inserted. Then, the bone and screw need around three months to heal and osseointegration (bone and metal fusion). Finally, the crown is installed to cover the screw and finish the procedure with a false tooth that looks and performs like the real thing.

Prevention of Loose/Fallen Teeth

It’s not just the gums keeping your teeth securely in place as you talk or bite. That’s the job of your tooth’s roots! They connect to the living tissue inside the enamel and hold them firmly in place. Decay and bacteria threaten to sever those connections, resulting in loose or fallen teeth.

Root canals keep those harmful organisms away from your root and your teeth firmly held by organic tissue.

Before You Book Appointments for Root Canals

Not all toothaches or nerve pain means you need this particular procedure. It could be a less serious concern such as moving wisdom teeth, sensitivity to certain foods and drinks, or just waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Always talk to a dental professional to get the best diagnosis and treatment so you can get to the real root of the problem!

But if you need root canals in Holladay, Utah, in the next month or so, schedule an appointment at Smart Dental Care today! We offer dental services ranging from cosmetic to practical procedures that keep your teeth in the best condition possible. Send us a message on our website now!