5 Important Things You Should Avoid After Dental Implant

Dental implants are strong permanent replacements for your missing teeth. They are made from titanium steel posts that are installed in your jawbone that act similar to your tooth roots. Once the healing process starts, these implants will then bind with your surrounding bones through the process called osseointegration, allowing them to be sturdy enough to support a wide range of dental prosthetic applications.

Depending on your needs or preferences, dental implants can support dental prosthetics such as bridges, dental crowns, and dentures. You can also use implants to support full mouth rehabilitation. So, whatever dental treatment goals you have, you can count on dental implants.

But just like any other surgery, the healing process after installing dental implants will take time. Remember, they need to undergo osseointegration (fusing with the bone), so they would gain anchor for the surrounding bone. So, there are a few things you need to avoid for your implants to heal properly.


As much as you want your mouth and teeth to stay bacteria-free, it is important to note that mouthwash can irritate the areas where your implants have been placed. Vigorous swishing and spitting can also affect the surgical site. Instead of regular mouthwash, your dentist can recommend saltwater or a prescription mouthwash to rinse your mouth. 

If you want to use a saltwater solution, mix three parts of water with one part of salt. Then rinse your mouth with this solution to clean your mouth and relieve irritation.

Intense Physical Activity

After your surgical implant, it is important that you avoid any intense physical exercise or activity, as it can cause bleeding surrounding your dental implants. So to prevent this, you need to rest more and avoid strenuous activities two to three days after your surgery. If you want to exercise, then you can do walking for now or any light activity that wouldn’t require much physical movement.


Smoking can really affect the overall health of your teeth and gums, including your newly installed dental implants. So it is highly recommended that you quit smoking after the surgical procedure because it impedes the integration of the jawbone to the implant, making it slower to heal.

Hot and Hard Food

After your surgery, it is important to avoid foods that are hard or hot. Spicy or hot food can impede the healing of the surgery site. Also, you need to stick with a soft diet after and a few days after your surgery. Chewing on the other side of your mouth, away from where your implants are installed, can help speed up the healing process without interruptions.

A Straw in Your Drink

As your surgical site heals, blood clotting occurs, which is an essential part of healing any kind of wound. When you use a straw while drinking, your mouth creates suction, which can potentially displace any formation of blood clots in the implant area. This creates a condition called dry socket, a painful dental state that happens when the blood clot fails to form before the wound heals. To prevent this, avoid using a straw and drinking carbonated beverages that can also irritate the surrounding gums where the dental implant is placed.


Dental implants can offer you a permanent solution to your missing teeth and avenues for a wide range of dental prosthetics of your choice. But before you can use the implants at full capacity, you need to make sure that after two to three days after your surgery (or whatever your implant dentist has recommended), you are able to follow the things you need to avoid so they will not impede the healing process after implants have been installed.

Smart Dental Care offers a wide range of services, including dentures, whitening, dental implants, and more! We also provide urgent dental care. Contact us now.