Anyone who has dental crowns knows how useful they can be. Crowns not only correct damaged teeth by restoring the appearance of a smile, but they can be long-lasting, completing an implant or a bridge procedure. A dental crown may also be a solution to an abnormally oversized or undersized tooth. Why Dental Crowns Are…
Getting to the Root: Are Root Canals Painful?

Do your teeth (or tooth) suffer from the following symptoms: Heat or cold sensitivity? Discomfort while chewing? Swollen or bleeding gums? If you struggle with one or more of these, you may be due for a root canal with your dentist any time soon. A root canal is an endodontic procedure performed to remove infected…
What You Should Know about Saving a Knocked-Out Tooth

Teeth can be knocked out for various reasons, mainly because of accidents involving a strong impact. It happens to many people, and it can happen to you when you are at the wrong place at the wrong time. But do not worry; you can still save a knocked-out tooth. You can replace a tooth in…
When Is Getting a Dental Crown Considered Necessary

Sometimes, people might believe that they can skip out on getting a particular dental procedure. This is never a good idea as ignoring the problem would only make it worse. But how do you know when getting a particular dental procedure, such as a dental crown, is absolutely necessary or just optional? What Is a…
Goodbye to Yellow Teeth: A Teeth Whitening Solution Guide

Most people dream of having pearly white teeth. But sometimes, no matter how much you brush your teeth, they remain yellow. This article will explore the causes of teeth discoloration and the teeth whitening solutions available for you. Reasons behind Teeth Discoloration There are several causes for your teeth to turn yellow. Some of these…
Essential Facts About Toothaches (Signs, Causes, Treatments)

Toothaches can happen for a variety of causes. Sometimes the reason is apparent – for example, if you’ve been smacked in the face or mistook a rock for a sandwich – but other times, the pain seems to come out of nowhere. Toothache isn’t always a cause for concern, but in some cases, it can…
Misconceptions about Root Canal Treatment You Should Ignore

Now that everything is instant, most people resort to replacing anything that goes worn out. When they have a broken phone or a damaged sofa, they usually opt for a replacement instead of getting things fixed. The same thing might be your mindset when it comes to your teeth problems. Unfortunately, the sad fact is…
Why You Should go to a Professional for Teeth Whitening

Having white and bright teeth is something that a lot of people want to achieve. While the color of your teeth does not necessarily determine your oral hygiene, whiter teeth are easily accepted as much cleaner. This is why there are now a lot of products on the market that you can use for at-home…
5 Reasons Why Dentures Are Best For Replacing Missing Teeth

Losing our teeth is part of growing old. An infection or manifestation of cavities may cause it for some, but others may experience losing theirs due to accidents that can cause breakage on the surface. But no matter the reason for tooth loss, it’s vital to get the issue addressed right away to prevent other…
Dentistry 101: When Is Tooth Extraction the Best Solution?

Many people dread going to the dentist. However, there are some cases where there’s no other solution but to go, such as a tooth extraction. Tooth extraction isn’t a routine procedure. It’s usually done when your dentist decides it’s too complicated or you have a tooth that is too damaged to try to fix. In…